Most Popular Engagement Party Invitation Wording Ideas

This post shows you the best engagement party invitation wording ideas.
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Engagement party invitations set the tone guests will expect. It’s important that your invitation is fitting of the formality your guests will expect.
For some people, they want to just have a casual, backyard gathering with their close friends. Receiving a formal, paper invitation for an engagement party like this would be unusual, and confusing!
This post shows you how to pick the best engagement party invitation wording and format.

Do You Need Engagement Party Invitations?
Whether or not you need engagement party invitations depends on the formality of your party. Typically, the venue and what you expect guests to wear determines the formality of your engagement party.
If guests will be relatively well dressed and the venue isn’t someone’s house, your party is likely somewhat formal. This means you should send out paper invitations about six weeks to a month in advance.
Once you nail the formality of your party, choose the type of invitation that best fits. Casual engagement parties will invite people via text or email, semi-formal parties will send digital invitations, and formal parties send paper invitations in the mail.
Remember – only invite people to your engagement party who will be invited to the wedding. Otherwise, an engagement party-only invitation is considered quite rude. If you aren’t having a wedding or it will be extremely small (immediate family only), you can disregard this.
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When Do You Send Invitations?
Once you’re engaged and decide to host a party (or someone offers to host one for you) it’s best to send out invitations ASAP.
Typically, engagement parties occur within two months of the couple’s engagement. This allows enough time to pass before the wedding parties begin and occurs while the engagement is fresh.
If you’re short on time and worried about people’s ability to make it, send out a Facebook Event invitation as soon as you have the venue and date determined. Then, you can follow up in a few days with the type of invitation appropriate for your party’s formality.
RELATED: How to Write Genuine Engagement Party Thank You Cards
Must-Have Information
Every engagement party invitation must have this critical information, no matter the format.
- Names of the engaged couple
- Date, time, and location of the party
- RSVP details
Optional Information
You can add the following information to your invitations depending on your preferences.
- Dress code
- Registry
- Menu
- Name of the host with contact information
- Venue-specific notes (parking instructions, etc.)
RELATED: How to Choose the Best Engagement Party Theme
Where to Design and Order Your Engagement Party Invitations
Every type of engagement party invitation must include all necessary information.
Text-only invitations should still be well formatted and sent out in a timely manner. It’s easiest to type out this kind of invitation on a computer and then copy and paste it into the texts you’re sending.
Consider creating a Facebook Event regardless of your engagement party invitation type. Facebook events are a great place to broadcast updates and answer guests’ questions. Plus, some guests are bound to lose their original invitation. Allowing them to search through the event on Facebook saves you a lot of hassle in answering questions about information you have already sent out.
Etsy sells gorgeous templates for paper and digital invitations. Many of these templates already include great engagement party invitation wording, making your job as easy as swapping out the details.
If you’re tech-savvy, consider designing your invitations in Canva. A Canva Pro subscription is beneficial during wedding planning since you’ll likely manage a lot of the graphic design on your own.
Canva has great printing services, too—the prices tend to be competitive, and it’s easier than downloading and uploading your design to an external site.
For both digital and paper invitations, take a few minutes to peruse Etsy and Pinterest to see what’s popular. You’re always able to edit designs to your liking, and getting some inspiration from professionals is helpful.
Templates and Examples
Below are engagement party invitation wording templates that you can use. I included a variety of formalities to best suit your party’s atmosphere.
Hey [Name] or [Last Name Family],
I’m so excited to announce that [name] and I got engaged! We’re hosting a party to celebrate with our friends and family. We’d love for you to join!
The party is on Saturday, March 1st from 3:00 pm – 5:00 pm at our house. Our address is [address].
We’ll enjoy time in the backyard playing games and grilling some burgers.
If you can make it, please RSVP on our Facebook Event – [link]
We hope to see you soon. Love you!
Digital Invitation
Digital invitations are designed like paper invitations and sent as .png or .jpeg files via email or text. There are tons of gorgeous digital invitation templates on Etsy.
Since you aren’t actually printing your digital invitation, feel free to use tons of color – if it fits your vibe!

Here’s a great example of a Canva-editable fall-themed digital engagement party invitation—the example here uses more formal wording.

This example is a bit more casual and features a simple black-and-white color palette. This is a great fit if you’re looking for a customizable option. You can easily convert this to your color palette by changing the color of the cursive font.

Here’s another simple black-and-white example with a slightly different design.

If you’re looking to take advantage of elements that don’t print well, this is a great example!

Already took some engagement pictures? This digital invitation is a fantastic way to show them off.
Physical Invitations
Physical invitations are the most formal of the three invitation formats.
Typically, invitations are 5×7″. You can resize them to fit your style, but 5×7″ is by far the easiest to manage.
Recently, a handwritten and watercolor-inspired style for invitations became very popular. This is perfect for a whimsical party!

This handwritten-inspired engagement party invitation is still formal, featuring space to give RSVP instructions and a registry.

With tons of dainty drawings and casual engagement party invitation wording, this printed invitation fits many semi-formal parties.

This invitation is a bit more formal and sets a clear tone for the party. You. can easily add a space to include registry information, too.

This engagement party invitation wording walks a line between casual and formal – perfect for engagement parties hosted at a house.

Featuring tons of florals and a gorgeous frame for a photo on the back, this is a great pick for a spring engagement party.

If your party will have dancing and go late into the night, this disco ball themed invitation is perfect for setting the tone.

Engagement parties taking place immediately after the proposal are so touching. With these parties, it’s critical that one major point gets across – it’s TOP SECRET!

The alternative couple or an engagement party around Halloween needs this gorgeous invitation.

Any engagement party with champagne would be very fitting for this invitation. It’s not too fancy or too casual!